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Hi Insubuy, I have a question related to existing pre-condition my father has and is traveling to USA. He is diabetic and his sugar levels fluctuate quite often (in range from 50 to 400). He takes insulin injections twice a day to maintain the blood sugar levels. I want to know if a sudden increase in blood sugar levels will be covered in Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Condition ? If not, is it advisable to purchase Pre-Existing condition coverage vs Acute Onset of Pre-Existing condition coverage. Thanks.


Acute onset coverage is for a sudden and unexpected issue, no prior symptoms or warnings, rapidly progressing and requiring immediate treatment within 24 hours. Based on the below information, the fluctuations are expected not unexpected with symptoms present. 

Our Visitors Protect plan that provides pre-existing benefits would also be for unexpected issues.

Coverage for all plans and benefits would be determined at the time if the claim based on the medical reports at the time of the incident.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

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